Friday, April 25, 2014

Multigrain vs. wholegrain bread

Consumers today are always bombarded with misleading advertisements on food products that allegedly ‘promote’ health. Even if the information provided is correct, the way such food is advertised gives the idea to potential buyers that the food is healthy when in reality, it is just a regular food product with no additional health value. To the uninformed buyers, they may seem to be making the best choice for health. Little do they realize that these ‘health claims’ are made as a marketing strategy to increase appeal to health conscious buyers. For instance, bread that is labelled as multigrain generates the idea to buyers that it is a healthy choice. This claim is true but it can be misleading to the uninformed buyers.  

When you see bread that is labelled as multigrain, you will straight away think that it is one of the most healthy bread choices. The truth is, multigrain breads are not much different than the white breads on the market. The labels on food products can be manipulated to highlight the best information. For example, the bread may contain different varieties of grain in the label but what is not highlighted is that they are highly processed, may go through the refinement process and is stripped of most of its nutrients and fibers. Multigrains can be more beneficial if it contains some whole grains as labelled on the products. Thus, keep an eye on the labels and make your choice.  

On the other hand, whole grains are the best when you want to make healthy food choices. They are rich in nutrients, vitamins and fiber, and are left in their natural state. The vitamins in whole grains are intact without going through the refinement process. Other than its high nutrient contents, whole grains should be favored due to its slow rate of absorption, preventing sharp rises in sugar and insulin levels. This in turn decreases the risk of diabetes and other diseases.

Consumers should be allowed to make informed food choices when it relates to health. They should be allowed to choose food products which can benefit their health without being deceived by marketing tactics. However, being well-informed consumers may be the only way to avoid making the wrong choices.


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