Thursday, April 24, 2014

Facts about eggs

Washing eggs may introduce microbes to it
Washing eggs in bulk and letting it sit damp for a long time before using it may actually be more harmful. This is because the moisture can seep slowly through the pores of the shell, introducing microbes to the egg. There are guidelines to washing. I will recommend that you wash the eggs soon before using it and dry it thoroughly before cracking it open to prevent contaminated water from dripping into food. Another tip is to store the eggs in its original carton before using it.  

The green ring around the yolk of a hard boiled egg indicates that it is overcooked
The green ring is caused by the chemical reaction of sulphur and iron. Although safe to eat, it is advisable to avoid overcooking the egg.

Older eggs float in water
Eggs which are older floats in water because more air is introduced through its porous shells. In time, freshly laid eggs will accumulate air and float more.

Eggs are versatile
Eggs are one of the most versatile foods available. It can be eaten either by itself or incorporated as an ingredient for food products. It can be cooked in a variety of ways including boiling, baking, poaching, frying, scrambled and more.

The breed of the hen determines the color of the shell
Hens with white feathers may lay white eggs while those with red feathers may lay brown eggs.

Refrigerating eggs keep it fresher for longer
When kept in room temperature for one day, an egg will age faster than when it is kept for one week in a refrigerator.

Spinning the eggs can distinguish between raw and hard boiled eggs
Hard boiled eggs will spin in a more stable way while raw eggs tend to wobble.  

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